Customer Testimonials

  1. I was very happy with the job that Mimi did and I have been going to Mimi since then.
    Patricia Davidson
  2. I have been searching for an all around stylist for 11 years and was just about to grow dreads when I met Mimi.
    Walter Leonard
  3. I am in love with my hair,the shop,and the service i received. I am very hard to please when it comes to my hair
    Paul Christian
  4. Thank you very much, my braid and look are the proof of your good job......
    Jennifer Fields
  5. I have been going to MiMi for the last year.Her and her staff are great!!!! She has nothing but the best products for my hair.She attends most of the upscale hairshows so she is up to date on all the new cuts,colors,products and styles.I love to get sew-ins by MiMi because I turn heads and everyo...
    Alesha Wright
  6. I am very, very picky, but i was beyond pleased with my hair as well as the service I received. My hair was flawless. I think i have found my heaven on earth. Thanks Mimi!!
  7. I am very very pick, but i was beyond pleased with my hair as well as the service i received. My hair was flawless. I think i have found my heaven on earth. Thanks Mimi!!... lona 14 July 2011 My sister recommended that I should try braids,I finally got fed up with all the flat iron, relaxers,etc..If you're looking to go natural try Femme Noir, my braids are awesome, and I love the service I got there. My stylist was very professional, knowledgeable, and friendly. Thank you so much
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    Jennifer Fields
  9. I am new to the Fort Worth area (been here less than 2 weeks), and since I didn't have a new stylist, I attempted to wash and press my natural hair was a total disaster, and by the time I called Mimi, I was on the verge of tears, thinking I had done permanent damage to my hair.
  10. Great Weave I have been looking for a stylist that is professional and reasonable priced since I moved back to TX in 2004. Finally, I met Mimi, and I have been totally satisfied with her services. She is very professional and knowledgeable in her area of expertise. I am very happy about the condi...